The Old Neighborhood – Part VI – Jade East Hideout

If you’ve lived in Memphis for a while you will probably remember the Jade East murders which occurred on October 20, 1987. Jade East was a restaurant on Austin Peay next to the Post Office just north of Yale Road. Three men entered in broad daylight and killed 3 family members who owned and operated …

How Time Flies

We’ve all heard the old adage “Time flies when you’re having fun” or “Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted” (John Lennon). Funny, but it seems annual events come around quicker these days. My family and I enjoy the Germantown Charity Horse Show each June. It seems we have just finished emptying the cooler and …

Happy Mother’s Day

My Mom passed away back in 99, same day as the Columbine massacre. I think of you every day and wish you were here. Love you Mom.