Word Origins

Fun info from a newsletter I follow. Freelancer translates to “a sword for hire.” Originally, it referred to medieval mercenaries who fought for whichever country paid them the most. Today, the sword is a good metaphor for the sharp specialization that defines a freelancer’s work.​ Muscle comes from the Latin word musculus, which translates to …

The Week in Links

A few things that caught my attention this week: Amazon’s Cloud Player – put your music in the cloud and listen via your Android device or any browser. Found a super cool website this week, Inventables.com has every odd and nerdy item you can think of. Great resource for those science projects that stand out. …

Amazing Pics

My friend Chris Hodges has just returned from Ethiopia where he preached the gospel to over 100,000 people in an open air stadium in Dilla. The pictures are simply incredible. I cannot imagine the feeling that was in the air as Chris presented the Gospel and thousands came forward.   Chris, I am truly blessed to …

Amazing Juggling

http://youtu.be/Y_XKHAV8ppg I’m probably behind the curve on this one, it looks to be a year or so old, but an amazing display nonetheless.