
We’ve all heard of the tension in Ferguson Mo. over the shooting death of a young black male by a white police officer. This blog post on Simon Sinek’s blog (written by David Mead) isn’t related at all to the actual event but I think the theory Mr. Mead posits is right on. Wonder if …


We currently have over 200 channels of TV to watch. My SiriusXM has about 150 channels of talk, music, shows, etc. I follow about 50 blogs and blog myself in two different ones. There is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and much much more. How do we keep up with it all?  How do you keep …

Airlines Just Don’t Get It

Just read on CNN [external link] that certain airlines are shrinking legroom in their coach seats. Being 6’3″ I have some experience with these small seats. “Not comfortable” doesn’t begin to cover it. In the article there are some stats of ‘seat pitch’ and other factors but a 3rd grader can tell you that given …

The Old Neighborhood – Part VI – Jade East Hideout

If you’ve lived in Memphis for a while you will probably remember the Jade East murders which occurred on October 20, 1987. Jade East was a restaurant on Austin Peay next to the Post Office just north of Yale Road. Three men entered in broad daylight and killed 3 family members who owned and operated …