Nord VPN

If you haven’t started using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) I suggest you take a good look at the benefits. A VPN will keep you safe by encrypting your web traffic (think banking passwords) so that they cannot be retrieved while they are being sent to your bank, shopping sites, etc. My family and I …

This Week’s Finds

First of all welcome to the new subscribers this week. If you’re new here it’s probably because of my Facebook rant from earlier in the week where I was once again suspended. Because Facebook is so finicky when it comes to arbitrarily suspending folks I’m moving my content here. If you’re into sound design or …


You are missing out if you have not watched Endeavour. The casting, acting, dialog, and plots are all first rate. Set and filmed in Oxford (notice the Oxford comma in the previous sentence) the scenery and locations are perfect for the series. I watch on Amazon Prime where all episodes are available except for the …

Tools I Use

Update: A great new resource has come out that reviews a few items that I have used but didn’t make this earlier post. There are some great tips and how-to’s included. Check it out here. (h/t to Laura S). Lifehacker has a wonderful (sometimes) weekly column on How I Work. One of my favorite parts …


If you’re like me you read blog posts, articles, sites and everything else on the net using multiple devices. I use quite a few tools to make this happen, including Pocket, Evernote, Send to Kindle and others. I’ve found a new application that allows you to push links, articles, to do lists, maps, etc. from …