I’m reminded lately of time passing. It seems that birthdays come much quicker than they used to. Now we count friendships in decades rather than years. Old friends are on your mind more than they used to be. You care deeply about them and how their life is going. I recently had the immense pleasure of seeing 4 other guys that I have spent most of my life knowing. 30 plus years and one 40 year friendship.
The memories are literally a flood. Funny stories, deep conversations and more unspoken caring for each other than I think we know how to express.
When I say I love these guys it comes from the heart. They were and are a big part of my life. We may go years between getting together but we pick right up where we left off. Our kids are getting married, parents are passing away, time goes by. I’m a better person for knowing these guys and certainly others not pictured.
I know you have old friends. We all do. Call them, plan a lunch, meet regularly and don’t let too much time pass between handshakes, hugs and the sweetness of time spent together.
(pictured above – Danny Tompkins, me, Lee Temple, Darrin Brady and Kevin Fowler.