We decided to make a 6 hour trip east to the Smokey Mountains and to a cabin along a stream. Figure if you have to stay away, might as well stay way away. It’s a nice cabin above the ground with 2 bedrooms and 2 baths, so not a small cramped living by any means. Brought lots of books, both digital and paper.
For the first time we brought our two dogs, Toby and Jack. They were fine on the drive although Toby will not go potty. I imagine that situation will right itself soon as he’ll have no choice. Can’t tell if he’s anxious or not but that would be my guess. He’s had no trouble sleeping but hasn’t really eaten anything.
Work continues for Suzanne as real estate waits for no one.
It’s a great feeling to have nothing pressing to do, “no where to go and all day to get there” as the saying goes.
Reading Dick Francis’ book Comeback which is a good mystery about (sadly) dying horses and a vet’s practice. I cannot recommend his books enough, as well as his son Felix, who is now writing after his dad’s passing back in 2010.
Now back to reading.